Smart Lockers
& Deliveries

Control and manage smart lockers with the Spaceti Building App. Inform people about package deliveries.

Contact us

Mobile App Control

Make your lockers smarter by connecting them to your mobile. Open, share and lock lockers using the Building App. Never worry about losing a physical key.

Flexible Smart Locker Management

Locker demand often exceeds the number of available units. Flexibly assign and manage lockers. Receive a complete overview of their usage.

Locker Usage Analytics

Divide people into groups and evaluate data across various time periods. Generate a report for a range of users or a single user in selected periods.

Billing System

Apply locker usage data as a foundation for the payroll and allow people to pay for using lockers.

Delivery Notification

Avoid leaving packages unattended at the reception. Instead, notify people about package deliveries or store them in a locker and give the addressee access.

Manage Smart Lockers Efficiently

Open, share & close lockers via the mobile app.
Manage demand with a 24/7 locker usage report.
Real time overview & long-term analytics.
Delivery overview and notifications.
Locker usage reports can serve as a foundation for billing.

Smart Lockers Showcase

Take a look at a brief demo on how you can easily manage smart lockers.

Partnership with Different Locker Providers

Max Verteletskyi, CEO at Spaceti

"In modern workplace environments, secure, easy-to-manage and intuitively usable employee lockers are of central importance. To optimize the utilization of your office space, maximize efficiency and your team’s comfort, and to ensure the highest flexibility, smart lockers are becoming increasingly important in a smart office environment. Through our partnership with different locker providers, Spaceti is able to expand its functionalities within buildings and improve people’s days."

Start Working with Spaceti and Leverage Your Lockers

Cloud-based SaaS solution
Installation completed within hours
Data privacy compliant with GDPR
24x7 monitoring and Service-Level Agreements