Product features

New Product Feature – Booking rules!

Apr. 19, 2022

Set booking conditions for each of your workspaces with our New Feature!   

We are happy to announce our newest product feature Booking Rules, which allows you to add customizable conditions such as minimum and maximum booking times, booking duration, and advanced booking limits. This powerful tool will give you full control over how and when your workspaces can be reserved. 

Booking Rules are available for all workspace types, including conference rooms, hot desks, meeting rooms, and parking spots. You can customize booking conditions for each of your spaces individually. 



List of customizable booking rules:  

  • Minimum booking duration (in minutes)  
  • Maximum booking duration (in minutes)  
  • Maximum advanced booking (in days)  
  • Maximum number of daily bookings (count of bookings)  
  • Maximum number of weekly bookings (count of bookings)  
  • Minimum time for bookings (e.g., booking cannot be created before 9 AM)  
  • Maximum time for bookings (e.g., booking cannot be created after 6 PM) 


If you have any questions or want more information about this or any of our features, don’t hesitate to schedule a free demo!  


Maria Boichenko