
What are the Benefits of a Hybrid Workplace?

Mar. 11, 2021

What are the benefits of a hybrid workplace?


 For a Safe Workplace


Hybrid workplaces are fast becoming the new normal with McKinsey estimating that more than 20% of the workforce could work remotely up to three to five days a week. They also found that in the management, it and in the telecommunications sector, the potential time spent working remotely could be up to between 58 and 68% without losing productivity. For the full report, click here.

Fortunately, transitioning to hybrid workplaces has never been easier with technology paving the way to a smooth and easy transition not only back to work but to a touchless hybrid future. Using Spaceti’s technology, people can book a desk, meeting room, and parking space, but also check the current occupancy and environmental metrics in the office. This data, that they can access remotely and directly to their phones, gives people the comfort and knowledge that the environment they would be entering is safe.

Empower Employees. Give people the choice to work from home or come into the office. Allow them to prioritize their work without compromising their health and well-being.

Repurpose your money. The money saved on space and utilities can be put towards your employees’ professional development or company retreats.

Relaxed & Productive. Allowing people to choose increases their well-being as they can better balance their personal and professional lives.

More Energy Efficient. With more people working from home, you will see fewer people using the office, which means you can save on utilities and operation costs!



Cate Lytle